Arabic for Healthcare Professionals: Key Phrases for Effective Communication
TLDR: This list (Arabic for Healthcare Professionals) of key phrases, numbers, and healthcare setting terms provides a valuable resource for nurses and other healthcare professionals who are working or planning to work in the Middle East. It’s a great tool for facilitating practical and effective communication and cultural integration.
Lost In Translation
His face slowly creased into a smile, revealing nicotine and coffee-stained teeth. Then, a throaty sound emerged as he surrendered to hearty laughter.
We were in the Kuwait Department of Education complex. I, along with a group of nurses, had gathered here to complete the paperwork required for us to start working in various hospitals in this country.
My fellow nurse had been speaking with a Kuwaiti local in Arabic a few minutes before I, accompanied by another nurse, entered the scene.
“What did you say?” The local managed to ask, struggling to control his laughter. He turned his gaze to this nurse who had been asking for directions earlier. Let’s refer to him as Robert (you know, HIPAA rules, wink, wink!).
Confused, Robert responded, “Mafih mokh, sadiq,” which prompted another round of laughter from the local. I smiled through the confusion.
When the man finally regained control, he asked me, “Do you understand, sister?” I nodded vigorously and flashed a wide smile.
And then we both burst into laughter. Robert looked surprised and asked the gentleman, “Wait, you can speak English?” and then quickly turned his confused gaze to me and blurted out “What’s so funny? Why are you laughing?”
I replied, “Do you know what you just said to him?” Robert responded, “Yes, I told him I don’t know.” This made both me and the Kuwaiti laugh even harder.
Finally, the local said, “I think you got your Arabic words mixed up.” He turned to me and said “Right, sister?” while casting a knowing glance my way. I nodded with a smile.
He asked, “Malum Arabic?” (You know Arabic?) and I answered, “Swayya, akuh, mafih katir” (A little bit, brother, not a lot). His smile broadened.
Finally, he gave the directions to Robert in perfect English, winked at me, and, with eyes twinkling, said, ““Maybe you can teach him swayya Arabic, sister, ” – looking at the embarrassed Robert and then at me.
I laughed and said “Tamam, akuh. Shukran” (“Ok, brother. Thank you”) and heard him say “Afwan” (“Welcome”) as he walked away, still with a smile on his face.
Puzzled, Robert turned to me and asked again what was funny.
I sighed and said, “You just told him you don’t have a brain,” (mafih=none/nothing; mokh=brain) and watched as Robert’s eyes widened in utter shock until it looked like they were about to pop.

The Power of Clear Communication
So, what can we learn from Robert’s unexpected comedy show? Two things:
- Don’t assume. Ask.
Testing the waters before taking the plunge helps avoid unwanted surprises, like ending up in a room full of giggles. A quick “Do you speak English?” might just be the lifesaver you need.
- Know the basic local phrases.
Arming yourself with basic Arabic expressions such as “hello,” “thank you,” and “I’m sorry” goes beyond simple politeness—it’s key to better communication.
Remember to keep your phrases straight, though. A mix-up could have you buying 10 camels in a situation where you’re merely asking for directions.
Getting a grip on these lessons smooths the path for conversations that glide along and connections that genuinely click.
Communication Across Cultures
Engaging in cross-cultural dialogue isn’t merely about the exchange of words. Whether you’re in the heart of a bustling urban hospital or nestled within a serene rural clinic, the art of communication with both patients and peers is very important.
The Middle East is a region rich in diversity and cultural nuances. Here, the way you communicate is everything.
You may find that your patients speak primarily Arabic, and while many may have a good command of English, there’s no denying that speaking to them in their native language can create an instant connection, put them at ease, and enhance the quality of care you provide.
While gestures and smiles bridge basic needs, knowing a little lingo and expressions transforms interactions. A hesitant “Marhaba” melts apprehension, a soothing “Shukran” eases anxieties, and a well-placed “Maa’lish” opens doors to understanding a patient’s pain beyond medical charts.
This helps a lot in explaining procedures, offering comfort, or sharing a laugh– fostering better connection, and stronger empathy.
Speaking the native language does more than just help in the hospital; it welcomes you into the community.
Chatting with relatives, handling the daily grind, or just saying “Ahlan” to people around, helps build trust, ease barriers, and bring people together.
It’s incredible how much warmth and connection a few well-chosen words can bring.
Language Matters in Healthcare
Language plays a crucial role in healthcare. Effective communication is not just about exchanging words. You need to be able to build trust and rapport with patients and relatives, and yes, coworkers.
When you speak even a few words in your patients’ native language, you demonstrate respect for their culture and a willingness to connect on a personal level.
In medical situations, clarity is very important. Being able to convey and understand symptoms, pain levels, and medical history accurately can be a matter of life and death.
It could mean making the correct diagnosis or finding the right interventions for each patient.
Having a few healthcare-related phrases up your sleeve can work wonders in tricky situations. Chatting with patients in their language can really help ease their nerves. It makes the hospital feel a little less intimidating and a lot more welcoming.
Making someone feel seen and understood is what healthcare really is all about.
Essential Arabic Phrases for Healthcare Workers:
Now that we’ve seen how crucial language is in healthcare, let’s look into some essential Arabic words every healthcare worker in the Middle East should know.
This blog post on Arabic for healthcare professionals can serve as a toolkit for better communication with patients and coworkers.
Please note that the Arabic terms shared in this guide are from the Gulf region, where nuances in language are common. For example, in Saudi Arabia, “ahlam” is the term for pain, whereas in Kuwait, “awur” is widely used. Another example: “katir” is used by the Saudis to mean a lot while Kuwatis use the word “wajid”.

Greetings and Expressions:
- Aywa/Na’am: Yes
- La: No
- As-salam Alaykum – Hello/Peace be upon you
- Marhaba (formal) / Ahlan (informal): Hello/Hi
- Maasalam – Goodbye
- Sabah al-khair – Good morning
- Masa’ al-khair – Good evening
- Shukran – Thank you
- Afwan – You’re welcome
- Ismi…: My name is…
- Insha Allah – God willing
- Yalla – Let’s go/Hurry up
- Alhamdulillah – Praise be to God
- Tamaam/Zein: Okay
- Min anta/inti?: Who are you? (masculine/feminine)
- Lazm – necessary
- Yane – I mean
- Zein- Good/fine
- Ya haram – Oh, what a shame
- Khalas – Enough/Finished
- Masha’allah – God has willed it (used to express admiration)
- Bismillah – In the name of God
- Kef halek – How are you?
- Mafih mushkila – No problem
- Kalam – Say/talk
- Sawi khallas – It’s done/Finished
- Dagiga – One minute
- Wen roh- Where are you going?
- Maalish- I’m sorry
- Baaden – Later
- Mafih – Nothing/none/not
- Yata’allam al-Inglisi?: Do you speak English?
People and Pronouns:
- Ana – I am/me
- Inta – you (male)
- Inti – you (female)
- Imma/Umma- Mother
- Baba – Father
- Akh/Akuh- Brother
- Ukti – Sister
- Bent -Female child/daughter/girl
- Walad – male child/boy
Objects and Things:
- Kursi – Chair
- Sayara – Car
- Tayara – Airplane
- Shai – Tea
- Sukkar – Sugar
- Shugul – Work
- Jadid – New
- Llazar – Right
- Llamin- Left
- Alatul – Straight
- Jambi – Side
- Imshi – Walk
- Akil – Eat/food
- Waget – Stand
- Igilis – Sit down
- Haym – Lay down
- Ta’al – Come
Body Parts:
- Ras – Head
- Ayun – Eyes
- Adhan- Ears
Numbers in Arabic:
- 0. Sifr – Zero
- 1. Wahid = One
- 2. Ithnān = Two
- 3. Thalāthah = Three
- 4. (Arb’ah = Four
- 5. Khamsah = Five
- 6. Sittah= Six
- 7. Sab’ah = Seven
- 8. Thamāniyah = Eight
- 9. Tis’ah = Nine
- 10. Asharah = Ten
- 11. (Ishrin = Twenty
- 12. Thalathin) = Thirty
- 13. (Arb’ain = Forty
- 14. Khamsain = Fifty
- 15. Sittain = Sixty
- 16. Sab’ain = Seventy
- 17. Thamanin = Eighty
- 18. Tis’ain = Ninety
- 19. Mi’ah= One Hundred
Basic Arabic for Healthcare Professionals:
- Mustashfaa – Hospital
- Eiada – Clinic
- Istiqbal – Reception
- Tawari – Emergency Room
- Murakaza – ICU
- Bateniya – Internal Medicine
- Ayadat Asnan – Dental Clinic
- Geraha – Surgery
- Atfal – Pediatrics
- Wilada Nisa – OB-Gyne
- Mukhtabar – Laboratory
- Mustafa – Ward
- Saydaliyya – Pharmacy
Rooms and Furniture
- Gurfa – Room
- Hammam – Bathroom
- Kursi – Chair
- Sarir – Bed
People and Staff
- Mareed – Patient
- Tabib – Doctor
- Mumarid/Mumarida – Male Nurse/Female Nurse
- Saydilani- Pharmacist
- Habib- Baby
Medical Tools/Equipment
- Malabis – Gown
- Ashaa – X-ray
- Ibra – Injection
- Saaf – Ambulance
- Dam- Blood
- Dakth – Blood pressure
- Blood test – Akhtabar al-dam
Other terms:
- Alam/awur – Pain
- Dawa/duwa – Medicine
- Mudad Hayawi – Antibiotic
- Bukar – Nebulize
- Warid – Vein
- Adel – Muscle
- Fil warid – Intravenous
- Fil Adel – Intramuscular
- Fil gild – Intraderamal
- Tahat gild – subcutaneous
- Jiraha- Surgery
- Amaliya- Operation
- Harara – Fever
- Buraz – Stool
Tip: As a newcomer, the phrase “Maalish. Ana jadid” (which translates to “I’m sorry. I’m new”) proved to be incredibly useful. It helped me deal with challenging moments with grace. Most locals were understanding and gave me the extra patience and space I needed to learn.
Let me emphasize that the words and phrases shared here are drawn from my own experiences working in Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I am, by no means, an expert; these are simply the terms that became part of my vocabulary during my time in these countries.
These phrases and numbers will be invaluable allies on your journey in the Middle East. They’ll aid you in comforting patients, collaborating with colleagues, and living daily life.
Mastering these Arabic expressions, including medical terms and numbers, will undoubtedly enrich your experience.
For more in-depth learning, I found this resource to be helpful:
Learning Arabic: Resources and Tips
Now that you have a handy list of Arabic phrases at your disposal, the next step is to learn and practice them. Here are some resources and tips to help you on your journey:
1. Language Apps and Websites:
There’s a plethora of language learning apps and websites available that can help you get started with Arabic. Apps like Duolingo, Memrise, and Rosetta Stone offer Arabic language courses suitable for beginners. They’re interactive and convenient for practicing on the go.
2. Online Tutorials and Videos:
YouTube is a goldmine for Arabic language tutorials and lessons. You can find videos covering basic greetings, pronunciation, and more. Popular channels like ArabicPod101 and Learn Arabic with Maha offer engaging content for language learners.
3. Language Exchange Partners:
Consider finding a language exchange partner who speaks Arabic. Language exchange platforms like Tandem and HelloTalk connect people from around the world who want to learn each other’s languages. It’s a great way to practice conversational Arabic with a native speaker.
4. Phrasebooks and Flashcards:
Invest in an Arabic phrasebook or flashcards that you can carry with you. They can be especially handy for quick reference during your shifts at the hospital. You can find physical books or digital versions for your convenience.
5. Cultural Sensitivity and Awareness:
Learning the language is just one aspect of effective communication. Understanding the culture and customs of the Middle East is equally important.
Respect for cultural norms and traditions will help you build stronger connections with patients and colleagues.
Looking back at Robert’s little mix-up, it’s clear: our journey into Arabic, much like his, might be full of surprises. But hey, isn’t that half the fun?
Robert’s laughter-filled mishap isn’t just a funny story but also a nudge for us all to begin this language adventure with a light heart and an eagerness to learn.
As we close this chapter, filled with handy Arabic phrases and a peek into cultural nuances, let’s remember to embrace every slip-up and giggle along the way.
These aren’t just mistakes; consider them golden moments that make our connections richer and our days brighter.
So, as you step into the healthcare scene in the Middle East, armed with a few essential phrases (and maybe a funny story or two of your own), remember: it’s the effort and the smiles that count.
May your Arabic journey be as enriching as it is amusing, turning every ‘oops’ into an ‘aha’ moment.
Here’s to all the laughs and learnings ahead. Because, in the end, it’s those light-hearted connections that truly speak volumes.